Features of Child Friendly Eating Out

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Features of Child Friendly Eating Out

Hi, Jane here. I alluded to why it was important to find kid friendly cafes and restaurants and probably even more so when you are on holidays. I firmly believe that whether I am on holiday or in my home town, parents should be able to enjoy good food in great surroundings that are child friendly.

Whenever I visit a café or restaurant with or without kids I always keep my eye out, you know my parents eye! These are some of the features I look for when choosing a venue for eating out with kids

  • Space. Room to get your pram and toddler to the table, as well as a bit of space around the table makes a parent’s job a bit easier. Toddlers can’t sit still all the time you’re out so if there’s a bit of space for them to move without bumping the other patrons, it reduces stress levels. I realize space is money in a restaurant, so if they provide a bit of space, it’s appreciated. Restaurants with alfresco areas make this a bit easier.
  • High chairs provided and baby change facilities
  • An activity provided is a bonus. We often go out with an activity bag with books, crayons, paper - any activity that can be done at the table that your kids enjoy. (I’ve found taking the grandparents is a great distraction too!) Quite a few pubs these days have playgrounds which are a great distraction and means parents can enjoy a beer!
  • A decent kids menu is good but not essential. Just having a menu that has child friendly food is enough. Restaurants that bring the kids food out first obviously understand the issues of dining out with kids
  • Child friendly staff. I rate this feature right up there with space. If you’ve got the staff on your side it takes some of the stress off, which makes everyone more relaxed. (I think kids can smell your fear!)

Before I started taking my kids out to eat, I was looking for information on child friendly restaurants on the world wide web. The information out there was vague, and it seemed the term child friendly could mean anything.

I thought it needed defining. In the process I realized there wasn’t a formula that would work across the board which is why I have attempted to review eating establishments to find child friendly cafes, pubs and restaurants in South East Queensland.

It’s a big job, which is why I welcome suggestions from parents everywhere. Parents know the power of knowledge! One thing I’ve learned since becoming a parent is forewarned is forearmed, so heading out to eat at a place where you know what is provided and what isn’t is a good start.

How your three year old will behave when you get there is anyone’s guess, so for that I can take no responsibility!

Don't forget to check out why I consider it's important to find child friendly eating out before going on holiday.

Plus some of my recommendations, and read other people's suggestions for places to eat around Gold Coast and South East Queensland.

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