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Australian Working Vacation

by Wayne

I am looking at coming to Gold Coast Australia on a working vacation. I don't want to earn wages just room and board.

Are there any places (ranches, etc) where a low income person could spend a working vacation in Australia no wages just room & board?

I don't know of anything specifically in the Gold Coast - though there probably are opportunities in the hinterland and the farming areas of South East Queensland or Northern New South Wales.

However, I can offer you this assistance, my sister joined a program when she was visiting Australia and New Zealand called WWOOF - Willing Workers On Organic Farms.

She had a great time working for her room and board in some amazing locations . She had such a great experience that she is still in contact with people she met and also great friends with some of the farm owners.

I checked out the Australian version and it is:

I am sure it will give you lots of information. I am pretty sure my sister had to pay a small membership fee - but certainly from her experiences if this is what you are looking for it will be well worth it.

Hope this is useful.

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Mar 25, 2010
by: Wayne

Thank you for answering, this is good info

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